![Deep Nostalgia™ har blitt en internettsensasjon](https://blog.myheritage.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/ezgif.com-gif-maker-11.gif)
Bare én uke etter at vi gav ut, Deep Nostalgia™, som er en funksjon for animating familiebilder, har den eksplodert i popularitet og blitt en internettsensasjon. Over 10 millioner ansikter har blitt animert så langt, flere tusen bilder blir animert hver minutt!
Da vi slapp Deep Nostalgia™ forrige uke på RootsTech Connect 2021, vi visste at av slektshistorie elskere ville bli begeistret over å se sine kjære forfedres ansikter komme til liv. Vi visste også at den hadde potensiale til å gå viralt, og vi håpet det ville skje, men det gikk langt over alle forventninger. Vi er ydmyke og vi elsker å få se alle eksemplene som har blitt delt med en hel verden.
Mest av alt elsker vi at Deep Nostalgia™ har skapt massive interesse for slektsforskning, spesielt blant de yngre generasjoner.
I de første dagene etter utgivelsen, skapte den overveldende etterspørselen visse stabilitetsproblemer. Vi måtte jobbe hardt for å oppgradere infrastrukturen for å fortsette å møte etterspørselen, og situasjonen er nå mye bedre. Vi beklager til alle som har opplevd problemer. De som bruker Android kan for øyeblikket bruke funksjonen via MyHeritage sin app og, og må animere på nettløsningen. iPhone fungerer som det skal, og mobil appen til MyHeritage toppet listen over gratisapper i App Store få dager etter lanseringen. Den mest nedlastede gratisappen i USA!
Her er noen av høydepunktene vi har sett fra den siste uken:
Kjendiser som bruker Deep Nostalgia™
Den amerikanske TV-verten Jimmy Kimmel og teamet hans hevder at de ikke var særlig produktive på jobb i går, de måtte bare leke med Deep Nostalgia™ hele dagen lang!
Den engelsks skuespilleren, Sir Ian McKellen, som er uforglemmelig som Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, animerte tegninger av britiske konger fra århundrer siden. Han sto for en svært svært populær animasjon av den irske poet og dramatiker Oscar Wilde!
Haven’t we always wanted to come face to face with Oscar Wilde? Now we can and see him blink! #MyHeritage #OscarWilde pic.twitter.com/xV8PgOE1E1
— Ian McKellen (@IanMcKellen) March 1, 2021
Pee-wee Herman kan tydeligvis ikke å få nok av Deep Nostalgia™. Han har blant annet animert et bilde fra sin egen barndom.
Have you seen that crazy new AI tool that animates photos?! Check out this photo of me… that was not taken recently!! #DeepNostalgia by @myheritage: Creepy?! Or cool?! pic.twitter.com/G9rwgQ78cZ
— Pee-wee Herman (@peeweeherman) March 4, 2021
Den amerikanske journalisten Jake Tapper prøvde lykken med å animere et familiemedlem som ble født i 1773!
My great great great great grand aunt Jane Rowena Huff
Born 1773
Died 1865@MyHeritage pic.twitter.com/bytQ9u3Gpx— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 2, 2021
Her er noen av våre favoritter
@jlancasterdesigns Obsessed! This app lets you bring to life your family’s old photos 😭👼 #myheritage #myheritageapp #fyp #oldies
tried the new @MyHeritage animate feature on some old photos. Kind of cool. Here is my absolutely devastatingly handsome father. pic.twitter.com/QSSsS5g2VZ
— Christine Green (@christinejgreen) February 28, 2021
— Gazi Kemal (@baskomutankemal) February 28, 2021
I've found it incredibly moving to see a photo of someone I've read so much about "come to life".
The photo is of Fr Bede Jarrett OP (@BedeJarrettOP), the animation was created by @MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/cPgwb7mTXL— 🍉🌻 Katherine Joan 🌻🍉 (@CrimsonCoatLady) February 27, 2021
I was barely old enough to have vague memories of my grandmother and no video that I'm aware of so it was cool to put a couple of her old photos into motion with @MyHeritage Deep Heritage. pic.twitter.com/x7hP7MXAFC
— Dustin (@dustinhorne) March 2, 2021
This is my grandfather, Luther, in WWII. I've seen this picture my entire life but seeing it move really shocked me. #MyHeritage pic.twitter.com/IjapLjfO2L
— Jason Glisson (@jasonglisson) March 3, 2021
Flere rørende reaksjoner
I am blown away by the “MyHeritage” app. You can upload old pictures and it animates it for you.
This is my great-grandfather. It is one of the only pictures I have of him. I just showed my grandmother and she broke down crying. This is amazing! pic.twitter.com/79aDu4Tkgt
— Natasha ❀ (@ndelriego) February 27, 2021
My mom died in 1992. This is a picture of her when she was about 25 when she became engaged to my dad. It brought tears to my eyes. She was so beautiful. pic.twitter.com/3O23R9h2n2
— Jean McKenney (@McKenneyJean) February 27, 2021
Hice la imagen en movimiento esa de myheritage con una foto de mi papá y se me cae el corazon al piso cada vez que es pestañea todavia no encuentro los pedazos
— Lala💫 (@LariEsteban) March 3, 2021
Oversatt: Jeg laget en animasjon av et bilde av min faren på MyHeritage, og hjertet mitt svulmer hver gang han blinker!
Toda mi vida soné con ver a mi padre VIVO por un instante al menos, pues tenía tan sólo 7 meses cuando falleció.
Hoy esto es posible gracias a la Inteligencia Artificial de @MyHeritage
Aunque sea por unos segundos, hoy fuiste mío!
Gracias Infinitas! pic.twitter.com/qhlwPKyqq2— Diego R. Cáceres (@okDiegoRCaceres) February 28, 2021
Oversettelse: Hele livet har jeg drømt om å se min far i live. Bare for ett lite øyeblikk for jeg var bare 7 måneder gammel da han døde. I dag ble dette ønsket oppfylt takket være kunstig intelligens @MyHeritage. I dag var du min, selv om det bare var i noen sekunder! Uendelig takknemlig!
My Aunt Pola. She survived the Holocaust & helped my other aunt survive. My father & 3 siblings (of 8) survived. Sadly, Pola died only a couple of years after the war, so I never met her. I sort of feel more like I’m meeting her thanks to this animation.https://t.co/08RsvdHtZb
— 🌻🌻🌻Vegan Diva🌻🌻🌻 (@VeganMarilyn) March 2, 2021
I sympathize, Paul. I just learned of #DeepNostalgia & immediately uploaded a photo. It brought me to tears. Just seeing a blink or a nod brings these photos to life & it means so much. I’m sure this tech will bring many people comfort https://t.co/cuOtdRs24f
— JAM (@Eviljohna) March 2, 2021
I love the way @MyHeritage brought the people in my photo to life! Yesterday was my Dad's birthday, today is the anniversary of his death. Seeing his face move after decades was mind-blowing as we didn't have video of him.🦋#DeepNostalgia https://t.co/SZdxDuYsFf
— Tracy Iglesias (@Tracy_Iglesias) March 3, 2021
~~ I shed a few tears of joy last night. I saw my late grandpa once more, like in a dream 💭 @MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia allows you to animate & colorize the photos of your loved ones 💫
This company has its values & its #WHY truly targeted 🎯#DeepNostalgia #SimonSinek #AI pic.twitter.com/P5yNeyoxX3— Mateja Kuhar (@Mateja__Kuhar) March 3, 2021
Can I just say props to @MyHeritage for creating the photo animation feature! Just cried after animating an image of my Grandpy💔
— Lea (@leannewilk1) March 3, 2021
Kjente historiske figurer
You know him as Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇸 but this smooth character was also known as TJ Jazzy Jeff 😎#POTUS #MyHeritage @MyHeritage @TJMonticello pic.twitter.com/jpPCpw156N
— Presidential Wisdom (@PrezWisdom) February 28, 2021
Frederick Douglass, the mighty abolitionist, was the single most photographed person in the United States during the nineteenth century. Here's how he might've looked in motion. Brace yourself and press play. pic.twitter.com/HOxDK7jGyh
— La Marr Jurelle Bruce (@Afromanticist) February 28, 2021
Move over #HarryPotter, thanks to @MyHeritage we don't need magic🪄to bring historical portraits to life.
What do you guys think?
📸 Golda Meir, Former Israeli Prime Minister pic.twitter.com/usAfeb6DM3
— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) March 2, 2021
Her er noen kjente kunstnere og forskere animert til «levende portretter»:
These are old photos of famous artists and scientists animated into 'living portraits' using AI: https://t.co/GhfiagWUM2
An eerie yet captivating technology, raising many complex issues.Emily Dickinson pic.twitter.com/AZ2yuvlnsO
— Ferris Jabr (@ferrisjabr) February 27, 2021
So glad to see finally #AlanTuring "alive"! Makes me feel even more connected to computer science and #AI. Via @MyHeritage https://t.co/FKYlBHELAR pic.twitter.com/lWbsYzcvR3
— Kristian Kersting (@kerstingAIML) February 27, 2021
Animated Shaheed Bhagat Singh 🙏
Created by MyHeritage’s Deep Nostalgia AI tool which uses deep learning algorithms to animate images with facial expressions (that are based on those of MyHeritage employees).
Well trained AI model 👏🤙#artificialintelligence #machinelearning pic.twitter.com/IGZO9tI9MM— Sunny Nehra (@sunnynehrabro) March 1, 2021
Victor Hugo semble avoir oscillé toute sa vie entre le terrestre et le sublime, il a cherché à s'élever au-dessus de sa condition de simple mortel tout en restant profondément humain. 4️⃣ émissions pour parcourir sa vie et son oeuvre immense
📖 https://t.co/Pftq5BIVfN pic.twitter.com/xoI1ZPF6Gw— France Culture (@franceculture) March 2, 2021
“The hall of deepfake presidents”:
MyHeritage DeepNostalgia and quarantine free time have enabled me to achieve a deeply unsettling and impossible dream for anyone who lives outside of Orlando.
Without further ado, I present…THE HALL OF DEEPFAKE PRESIDENTS
— Troy Peterson (@TroyMP94) March 2, 2021
Uventede brukere
And here's what the @myheritage AI did to it pic.twitter.com/0DMVsRIwSh
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) March 2, 2021
For the @ParkerLibCCCC crowd – here's what happens with the evil monkeys from the Bury Bible when they are run through the MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia thingy https://t.co/ehDNIDrHE0 (actual manuscript at https://t.co/jMcOwAMrZm) https://t.co/TrKDu5rdF8 pic.twitter.com/0wGvQ5IWdT
— Ben Albritton (@bla222) February 28, 2021
Lol that myheritage AI recognises my profile pic as a face so pic.twitter.com/UZtKdpKZgh
— Jennifer Harrison (@GeneticJen) February 28, 2021
The weirdest thing. Bought this old portrait in an auction, had it cleaned and framed. Just ran it through the MyHeritage software and now I am slightly afraid of it! Click on the link to see the animation. https://t.co/m7agMaku7Q pic.twitter.com/jAxeCHzFBQ
— Robert Howard (@ProfRobHoward) February 28, 2021
Amazing technology! #MyHeritage #DeepNostalgie pic.twitter.com/4HPosJ9ysK
— Edward Gross (@surgderm) March 1, 2021
Iulius Caesar #myheritage pic.twitter.com/2a10zHCztQ
— Dani Xρυσεοχαίτας (@DaniQuirinus) March 2, 2021
Last weird Deep Nostalgia fake of the day or maybe ever. pic.twitter.com/dKKUynIkVl
— Ben Greenman (@bengreenman) March 3, 2021
I took images from mummies and used the animator on MyHeritage. Pretty good results! @MyHeritage #MyHeritage pic.twitter.com/nSt6mMAGAL
— Keep The Faith (@KeepThe43844429) March 2, 2021
Noen har sin egen sans for humor når de har brukt Deep Nostalgia™:
This one had us laughing out loud!
I put my photo in that #MyHeritage app and it’s VERY realistic! pic.twitter.com/GrcRCOAr4j
— Greg Jenner (@greg_jenner) February 28, 2021
Here's Johnny! #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/hLBwOVBjI8
— Joe (@MrJoeGooch) March 3, 2021
Was wirklich #DeepNostalgie ist. pic.twitter.com/QsCaoGXohJ
— Johanna Sprondel (@jsprondel) February 28, 2021
This must be what it would look like to run deep nostalgia on a fish https://t.co/fdxzhtUB34
— Milton Tan (@mtanichthys) March 3, 2021
This MyHeritage Ap is blowing my mind!! pic.twitter.com/q9kvoLopZb
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) March 1, 2021
WOW WOW WOWEE WOW 😲 @MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/PsDEkwmCnF
— Vintage Card Company (@thevintagecc) March 3, 2021
Joelle Goldstein for People.com sier at «MyHeritage hjelper folk å oppleve sin slektshistorie mer enn noen gang.”
AJ Willingham skriver for CNN: «Det er vanskelig å forklare de blande følelsene som oppstår når man ser et bilde av Frederick Douglass bli levende, bare ved å klikke på en knapp.» Hun sier: «Allikevel, han er der, blinker og nikker som bare det. Det er som om han var i live, ikke som om han ikke døde i 1895, lenge år før filmopptak ble vanlig.”
Den kanadiske publikasjonen National Post skrev en artikkel av Tristin Hopper hvor han animerte bilder av noen av de mest berømte kanadierne gjennom historien, blant annet John A. McDonald. Han sier «Selv de mest humorløse oldeforeldre blir smilende gentlemen.”
Deep Nostalgia™ ble også omtalt i Independent, New York Post, Adweek, Design Taxi, og mange andre.
Vi er svært rørt over den overveldende støtten Deep Nostalgia™ har fått de siste dagene.
Vi gleder oss til å fortsatt forbedre Deep Nostalgia™ og jobbe med sammen med D-ID om fremtiden for historiske bilder.
Vi er stolte av å hjelpe millioner over hele verden med å gi liv til familiehistorien sin.